Thinking about Startups
Thoughts about the process of taking an idea and making it reality for a lot of customers in an economically sustainable way.

Hampus Jakobsson
Vegetarian, stoic, founder & investor. Father of three. Malmö/Sweden. Twitter @hajak.
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The end of human life as we know it?
I spend my time thinking a lot about the future, and I sway between tech optimism, tech dystopia, and nihilism.

“Swimming with Sharks”
A very common problem when getting things done is the balance between planning and executing. One needs enough planning not to waste time…

Why we need an alien invasion to get us out of the evolutionary gravity trap
What a pickle you* put yourself in. You started by creating a harsh environment to ensure only the strongest survived. Then you found that…

Climate geopolitics heading toward a Dark Forest or a Sunlit Neighborhood?
The world can be seen as a big machine of a market where we collaboratively try to solve problems. Globalization is a belief in…
Alignment and Isolation: The Modern Dilemma of Seeking Perfect Connections
I grew up with three brothers, my closest friends, until I met my “computer friends,” with whom I co-discovered gamers and programming…
Throwing a rock into space
Startups have one thing in common with cleaning your apartment: they require immense energy to complete — both upfront and during the…
Don’t grind your teeth
The world is full of challenges; it’s like you’re a homing beacon for other people’s success, thoughts about the climate crisis, the…

Brazil Nut Prioritization
We learn to write to-do lists, schedule our days, and get shit done, but we rarely talk about the fact that we won’t cross the finish line…
The only validation you will get is Negative
Nowadays, everyone is “entrepreneurial” — influencers, corporate innovation teams, authors, investors, heck — even kids can be “praised”…
Why The Customer is Always Right
The phrase “customer is always right” doesn’t mean you can demand anything if you pay; it means everyone is entitled to their own view.
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