Writers’ Blokke
The publication for writers and readers to create and read amazing content

Benny Lim
Medium writer since 2019, writing my way to a better life, and helping you lead a better life, one article at a time. https://iambennylim.medium.com/membership

Louise Foerster
Writes "A snapshot in time we can all relate to - with a twist." Novelist, marketer, business story teller, new product imaginer…

Rita Duponty
Author (amazon.com/author/ritaduponty). https://www.etsy.com/shop/ritareysdesigns/ https://www.clippings.me/ritaduponty You can reach me at dangime@live.com

Shafiqah Othman
Alchemical writer. I write about mental health, politics, religion, psychospirituality, and philosophy.

Lorie Kleiner Eckert
Lorie writes slice-of-life stories from a baby boomer’s point of view. You can find her books, art work — and more — on her website, LorieKleinerEckert.com.

Dr. Jeremy Divinity
Exploring ways of being. Critical Scholar, Strategist, Writer. Located in Los Angeles @Dr.Yermzus on Instagram.

EP McKnight, MEd
Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok, imdb.me/epmcknight

Gill McCulloch
I write about first aid, subjects that move me deeply and situations that make me laugh. Founder, Safe + Sound First Aid Training Ltd. gillnmcculloch@gmail.com

Don Simkovich, MA
Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.

Melih Gungor
I'm Melih. Tech, Tesla, Lifestyle & More!

Agnes Laurens
Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters. https://linktr.ee/alaurens

Mario López-Goicoechea
London-based, Cuban writer. Author of “Cuban, Immigrant, and Londoner” https://uk.bookshop.org/a/6886/9781528994293 https://acubaninlondon.medium.com/membership
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