In 2014 Melissa and Mike Horton launched the Yabberz community as a unique platform for the free flowing discussion of a variety of ideas on a site designed to promote troll-free interaction. The Yabberz Gnome represents our efforts to counter Trolls of all kinds.

Mike Horton
GNSS, IMU, and Sensors

Yabberz Admin
Administration Moderation Account of Yabberz

A political/social blogger since 2000. GOP from 1969 to 2004 when I walked away from a Party that I could no longer recognize. A Progressive who loves dialogue.

Cat Ladner
Formerly a Pundit on Yabberz One (as opie,) I am enjoying reading and communicating with members of Medium.
Mike Pope
I don't know much about much. But I've got a lot to say!

Kevin McDaid
In my view the single greatest threat to humanity is the rise of the hateful rhetoric of the Right Wing. I’m here to call it out. https://twitter.com/TheRedExit
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