Zeta Design

Perspectives on designing & building digital products for India

Kshitij Pandey

Design | Tech | Travel | Football

Mustafa Quilon

Digital Product Designer

Latest Posts

Annotating Design Files in Figma

Enhancing communication and documentation

Cracking the Code — Product & Design Pitfalls Exposed

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

Building Unicorn Design System v1.0 🦄

Behind the scenes of embracing every twist and turn into crafting our design system from concept to completion

Designing for Neuro-Diversity

Designing inclusive products that welcome individuals with neurological differences or conditions.

Creating a seamless experience using Heuristic Evaluation

One of the most efficient ways to evaluate your designs and ensure you deliver a user-friendly product that goes the extra mile!

Getting Better Over Time, Together

Introducing “Better Together”, a fun team-building initiative to take our already awesome team culture, a notch higher.


Kickstarting products by harnessing the art of questioning.

Dissecting the Visual Design of Products through PINC Analysis

Designing carefully crafted interfaces can sometimes be difficult. We constantly seek inspiration and make efforts to better our designs…

Design Validation: Harnessing the power of user interviews to improve UX

A good user experience is not easy to create in a single shot. Designers mostly depend on insights from preliminary research and intuition…


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