Adwerx Engineering

The Adwerx Engineering blog is a discussion about code written by Adwerx developers. We’ll cover the technology that powers our products and share our thoughts about frameworks, technology standards, and infrastructure that is relevant to the ad industry.

Reed Emmons

Reed Emmons is a technology leader and software engineer with a focus on building scalable and responsive web applications. VP Engineering at Adwerx.

Josh Bielick

loves systems, bikes, sociology, coffee, and the sound of music. VP of Infrastructure @Adwerx

Latest Posts

Slowing Down Sidekiq

Our team made it easier to throttle our Sidekiq jobs: here’s how.

Tracking Cruft with CruftTracker

Have you ever asked yourself, “Is this method even being used?!” Or, “What the heck is this method receiving?” Or, perhaps, “is this…

Working with huge CSVs using Sidekiq Batches and push_bulk

Harnessing Sidekiq Pro’s hidden power

Learning from our mistakes, without the finger pointing

Blameless Postmortems provide a way to focus conversations and outcomes around fixing systems and processes without any finger-pointing.

Structured Chaos: Running Inclusive Developer Led Meetings

At Adwerx we have regular developer-led meetings to address issues outside of product feature work. These meetings are a space for…

Using badges to help facilitate code ownership on engineering teams

Adwerx uses badges as a fun way to identify developers on our team as the go-to knowledge holder for specific disciplines in our codebase.

Continuously Integrating a Major Rails Upgrade

How we upgraded from Rails 4 to 5 zero commits ahead of master.

Twice as Many Tests in a Quarter of the Time

How Adwerx engineering doubled its test suite and optimized the CI build to run in only 5 minutes

Sync a GitHub repo to your GCP Composer (Airflow) DAGs folder

Google Cloud Platform recently released a general-audience hosted Apache Airflow service called Composer. Airflow reads a configured…


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