Amplitude Engineering
A look into engineering at Amplitude

Kurt Norwood
Software Engineer @amplitudemobile

Senior Software Developer @ Amplitude Analytics | Penn Quaker | Sports enthusiast

Daniel Jih
Applications Engineer @ Amplitude

Amplitude Analytics
Analytics that helps you understand user behavior, ship the right features fast, and drive business outcomes Let’s build better products.

Leo Zhang
Helping customers build better products.

Jin Hao Wan
Senior Software Engineer @Amplitude
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How to Save Millions of Dollars in DynamoDB Cost — Part 3
Part 2 of this series explained design of the system. that we were facing and our approach to it. This is the part 3, and the last part…

How to Save Millions of Dollars in DynamoDB Cost — Part 2
Part 1 of this series explained the problem that we were facing and our approach to it. This is the part 2 of this journey which explains…

How to Save Millions of Dollars in DynamoDB Cost — Part 1
To scan or not to scan — that is the question.
Product Analytics for Storybook: Introducing the Amplitude Storybook Add-on
Have you ever wondered how people use your Storybook? Or if anyone visits it in the first place?

How We’re Building Accessibility Into Amplitude’s Color System
Why “blue-526” is better than “blue-500”
Nova 2.0: Re-architecting the Analytics Engine behind Amplitude
Amplitude has seen exponential growth in the last couple of years, which has helped establish us as the industry leader in Product…
How to engineer culture
Company culture is incredibly hard, yet also incredibly important. In the words of Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, “[all other problems] will…
Amplitude React Native Support
Amplitude loves React. React has been the centerpiece of our front-end stack for quite a while now and we don’t see that changing any time…

Dedupe Events at Scale
At Amplitude, we ingest events at a very hight rate and this goes as high as multiples of million events per second. These events are…

Better Practices for Building Integrations
Before you get started on an integration, it’s worthwhile to take a step back and make sure that what you are building addresses acute…
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