Code for RentPath
Techniques, Tips, and Tales of Triumphs and Travails from the RentPath Software Engineering and DevOps Teams
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Introducing eFlambé
SpawnFest is an annual 48 hour online contest where teams try to build the best BEAM-based application, as determined by the judges based…

We Increased our Lighthouse Score by 17 Points by Making Our Images Larger
As part of our larger performance focus at RentPath (now owned by Redfin), we have been digging into the raw performance numbers on…

Why Google threw out FP and FCP in favor of LCP (Correlation study)
If you know what Web Vitals are and the difference between LCP and FID then skip ahead to the next section.

Stop building websites for iPhones
This is the first part of a series where we cover site performance in detail.
Running Dialyzer for Elixir Projects in GitHub Actions
In this blog post I’ll show you how to set up GitHub Actions to perform type analysis on an Elixir project with Dialyzer. I’ll also share…
How can I tell what version of Erlang was used to compile an Elixir application?
It’s possible to learn more about the Erlang version by inspecting the *.beam files.

Stop Shadowing and Rebinding Variables
Variable Shadowing

Easy Command Line Scripts With Node
Sometimes when working on the command line, you need the ability to pipe some output to another script, format some data, and then output…
Trapping Exit Signals in GenServers
Pull up a chair, dear reader. Let me recount a perplexing moment in my Elixir software development experience.
Elixir Warnings as Errors…Sometimes
How can you treat warnings in Elixir as errors without getting in the way of refactoring?
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