
The world doesn’t need another agency. That’s why we came up.

Anthanh Pham

Contractor | Web Developer | Teacher | Co-Founder at


Don’t take it personal.


We make all of those kind of things your grandma simply won’t understand. We just make a f*** awesome digital evolution for the analogic mamas and papas.

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Custom elements under the hood

Hi there 🫶 I want to share a recap about the inner workings of custom elements that I have put together now that I have been working with…

¿Qué es e18e?

¿Qué es e18e?

Trucos y tratos de Typescript + React 🎃

Las ventajas de añadir Typescript a React se han hecho imposibles de ignorar. A día de hoy, la mayoría de los proyectos React optan por…

Uploading NFT images to IPFS

In this blog post, we are going to see how to upload 10k images to IPFS and later on how to upload all the JSONs into one folder, so we can…

Web Testing that Scales: Testing Decision Tree

You want to do a test but there are a multitude of different options, unit, integration, functional, e2e, …

How we publish a Web, Android, and iOS app with the same code-base

This is the story of how we were able to launch a web application and publish it at Android and iOS stores with the same code-base using…

Redirect to www with Kubernetes Nginx Ingress

For SEO reasons, at etéreo we want to be redirected to There are several ways to achieve this, but since we have…

How to obtain ETH tokens for testing purposes.

If you are developing web3 applications (or DApps) you will have to use Ethereum to pay gas fees or execute code in the Ethereum network…

How to read the balance of your MetaMask wallet with web3.js

This is a simple tutorial on how to connect to your MetaMask wallet in a JavaScript browser application and extract the balance of your…

Effective Product Delivery Techniques

Have you ever wondered what are some of the keys to continually deliver software products and consistently getting positive results?


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