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Replication studies can’t fix science
They barely even begin to address the problem

The looming AI consciousness train wreck
And how it relates to Roe v Wade, animals and the Bible

Re: Moxie on Web3
On decentralization, servers and cryptography

Fake science Part II: Bots that are not
An academic conspiracy theory that went mainstream

How did classical Ripple work?
Remembering pre-Bitcoin designs for digital money

Fake science: part I
Photoshopping, fraud and circular logic in research

The philosophical origins of Bitcoin’s civil war
I left the Bitcoin community about five years ago. My final essay explaining why — “The resolution of the Bitcoin experiment” — is to my…

Summary of methodological issues in epidemiology
I’ve published a report prepared for Steve Baker MP into some of the issues I’ve seen in the past half year of reading papers and models…

Book review: Science Fictions
This weekend I finished reading the new book Science Fictions, by Stuart Ritchie. It’s about the replication crisis in science, the…

Pseudo-epidemics: part II
A quick followup
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