On Breaking the Mold
Where unconventional paths in entrepreneurship, personal development, and education meet. Learn more at discoverpraxis.com

This whole college thing doesn’t seem to be helping you build a great career. We can. We’re a one-year program for young people who want more than college.

Brian Nuckols
Writer and Thinker

Isaac Morehouse
Co-founder of PartnerHacker, founder of Career Hackers and Praxis.

Cameron Sorsby
COO at@DiscoverPraxis. Entrepreneurship, education, personal development, and sports

Hannah Frankman
Career development + performance coach. I help solopreneurs find and own niches on the internet. Follow me at hannahfrankman.com and twitter.com/hannahfrankman

Ryan Ferguson
www.theworldwanderers.com + www.ryanaferguson.com

T.K. Coleman
Co-Founder & Education Director at @discoverPraxis. Faculty at @feeonline.

Lolita Allgyer
College opt-out. Lifelong learner. Writer. Former coach and content manager at Praxis.

Mitchell Earl
COO @DiscoverPraxis | I write education, career, and money advice for young adults who are just getting started.
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