Open Digerati
Design. Develop. Share.

Simon Roberts
Follower of Christ, Husband, Father, DevOps Engineer @YouVersion

Timothy Aaron
Daily giving up things I love… for things I love even more.

Brandon Donaldson
Husband, Father, Pastor with Life.Church. Director of Open Digerati.

Matt Sawmiller
Product Designer for @YouVersion. Freelancer, guitarist. Faith, family, relationships.

Open Digerati
A growing open source community from Life.Church, YouVersion & partnered digital organizations around the world. Sharing learnings, code and connections.

YouVersion Awesomizer. Dev. Musician.

Michael Martin
Deeply spiritual, but not a spiritualist. Deconstructing, but bent toward redemption. Born again, and being remade.
Latest Posts

Jupyter as a documentation solution
A platform for tutorials and ideas that changes how we view documentation.
How the YouVersion Web Team Evaluates New Technology
If you’ve been in the web development community for very long, you may have noticed that things move quickly. New platforms, new…

8 Building Blocks for Strong Community
Building community is the hot new thing. Everywhere you turn a brand is trying to get you to join their community of like-minded…
Taking Control of React Performance
How We Eliminated 13,000+ Wasted Renders

Life.Church Rock RMS Deployment
Rock RMS is an open source church management system with an incredibly active and strong community. It’s designed to power the mission of…

VSCode with Remote-SSH
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Build a Great Tech Team
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5 Things We Learned When We Created Our Design System
There are five things we learned that you’ll want to know before you build your own design system.

How to Become Irrelevant
MySpace, Blackberry, and Blockbuster are just a few examples of organizations that have fallen from influence to irrelevance. The scary…

LXP Blog Takeover
This past Fall, we were a part of the Digerati Leadership Experience (LXP) at Life.Church. It was an amazingly rich experience for all of…
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