Pop Off
The best writing about everything to do with pop culture.
Melissa Miles McCarter
Mental health, family, pop culture, feminism, and more. Editor, Popoff.us & Fatdaddysfarm.org linktr.ee/lissahoop melissaonmedium@gmail.com
Keeping a keen eye on humans. When not writing, you can find me humming to some song, daydreaming, or plowing up research.
Shain E. Thomas
With an M.Sc. from the University of North Texas, I’m a freelance journalist and a social historian. #APStylebook #BBCStyleGuide http://shainethomas.com/
Jessica Trésor
Learning to be human. Learning to love bigger.
Keith R. Higgons
Writer & Podcaster — Center Stage: Abandoned Albums Podcast & The Mix n' Match Podcast. "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."
Gregory Cameron
Content marketing writer by day. Film student by night. Film watcher, book reader, mobile tech enthusiast. Making sense of all things through the written word.
Edward Anderson
Edward writes queer led stories that show that the LGBTQIA+ characters lives are multifaceted.
Brandon Anderson
Sports, NBA, NFL, TV, culture. Words at Action Network. Also SI's Cauldron, Sports Raid, BetMGM, Grandstand Central, Sports Pickle, others @wheatonbrando ✞
Bryan Hickman
Freelance Writer & Communicator. Pseudo-Lawyer. Former U.S. Senate staffer. Cinephile. Mormon. Autism Dad. Wannabe musician. Twitter: @MBryanHickman
Derek Lu
Ph.D Student at USC, TV and pop culture fanatic. Follow me for critical takes on what’s making waves in today’s oversaturated landscape. 🐝
Laurie Livingston Nave
The downhill trip is more fun than the uphill. A 50+ year old mother, wife, nerd, musician and writer. Follow me at https:www.laurienaveauthor.com
Scott Ninneman
Helping you understand and thrive with bipolar disorder. Editor of the Speaking Bipolar Publication. Let's connect: https://speakingbipolar.com/socialmedia
Fairooz Shafin
Storyteller || Content Writer || Literature Enthusiast
Gretchen Lee Bourquin
I’m a MN writer battling my demons & learning to celebrate angels. facebook.com/gretchenleewritermn/ twitter.com/gretchenlee instagram.com/gretchenleebourquin
Steve Jones
Irreverent Historian
William Matthew McCarter
Dr. William Matthew McCarter lives in SE Missouri. His award winning fiction and academic work have been published extensively. Profmccarter@yahoo.com
Megan Tee
Writer, dreamer, always always working on my novel, caffeine affect, dabbling in game development and caffeine addiction. Went from tech to the social sciences.
Pádraic Grant
Writer from Ireland, with an interest in politics, culture and the arts.
Bev Potter
Legal secretary by day, insomniac by night. Ally. BA, MA. Humor, pop culture, and things that make you think. My weekly-ish newsletter is bevpotter.substack.com
Randall Radic
Randy Radic is a former super model who succumbed to the ravages of time and age. Totally bereft of talent, he took up writing “because anyone can do it.”
Valerie Estelle Frankel
Valerie Estelle Frankel has written 88 books about pop culture. https://www.amazon.com/Valerie-Estelle-Frankel/e/B004KMCLQK
Joseph Serwach
Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://medium.com/@serwachjoe
Leslie Lozada
A writer from the tender age of 10. Writer, editor for Medium and Editor In Chief of NEIU’s Independent. Connection: https://linktr.ee/theLeslieLozada
Edwina Owens Elliott
Illustrator, graphic designer, indie author. A creature of habit but our evolution continues.
Peter Smyer Jr
Just a guy trying to put this all together but adamantly not wanting the instructions. Lover of all things Movie & TV related. Owner of @themodernconquest on IG
Shades Of Words
California based culture blogger, obsessive & compulsive reader, globetrotter. Day job in technology. Writes at https://shadesofwords.com/!
Ryan Fan
Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:35 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”
Britin McCarter
you do not exist
Pop Off
Everything pop culture.
Chelsea Alexandra
Top Writer in MOVIES! 🎬🍿 A Freelance Writer who is passionate about "FILM & TV" and Coffee! https://bio.site/chelsalexn
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