Publications tagged `DJANGO`
Name Followers
Python Concepts Sharing Coding Tutorial, Ideas Etc… 15
Uncurated Field notes on dev 13
Lambda Automotive We are the Lambda development team. We love beer and coffee. 8
Siprak Team We are Group A of the Software Engineering Project Course 2020/2021/1 at Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia. We consist of four people: Edina, Frans, Harold, and Figo. 6
Developer Culture Tutorials about different technologies for developers 5
Talpor React, Javascript, Python, Django and other topics. 3
matthew.wimb I am continuously learning about development, database administration, deployment, and a host of other things. My professional career is centered around being a SQL DBA and my personal projects revolve around Django development. 0 A precise and concise Medium Publication to demystify AI and Web Technologies. 0