Publications tagged `PRIVACY`
Name Followers
Decentralize.Today Your Daily Dose of Decentralization 17,231
Enigma Official Blog of Enigma - Securing the Decentralized Web. 5,550
Windscribe Windscribe Blog 3,240
Mainframe . Official blog Mainframe OS makes it easy to use and build decentralized applications. Resistant to censorship, surveillance, and disruption — developers and users alike enjoy full control and freedom from any third party interference. 2,733
HOPR The HOPR protocol provides network-level and metadata privacy for every type of data exchange, while introducing the first-ever open incentivized mixnet, where users earn tokens for running nodes. 1,983
AdBlock’s Blog AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers worldwide with more than 60 million users on major desktop and mobile browsers. Use AdBlock to block annoying ads, improve browser speeds, and protect yourself online. 1,927
BIGtoken The blockchain platform for consumers to own, verify, and sell their data. 1,649
Datafund Datafund blog 1,127
BEAM-MW Discover BEAM, a Mimblewimble Implementation focused on privacy, scalability and optin auditability. 1,089
Uber Privacy & Security Insights and updates from Uber’s security and privacy teams 910
Privacy Guy The Internet Privacy Expert discussing the latest news about privacy and internet security. 800
The Big Tech The Big Tech covers stories primarily from Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google and more. 754 Relax. You are safe now. 714
Dead Lawyers Society Business. Law. Journalism 632
Oasis Labs Oasis Labs is building a privacy-first cloud computing platform on blockchain. We're hiring! Apply at 523