Publications tagged `LIFE`
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THE ART OF DIRECTION THE ART OF DIRECTION blog looks at disciplines within the creative industry as well as the process of finding one's direction. 6
It all comes back to food… …stories from my life and my kitchen. 6
Ethereal Journal Making the unattainable attainable through actionable advice. 6
Nothing But Noah Nothing But Noah is my personal blog about many topics in life. 6
Ninety Three A publication that talks about the dangers of technology, to raise social awareness and change the future of the internet 6
Courting My Muse Thoughts, inspirations and destinations stumbled upon during a journey through life as a musician, artist, photographer and writer 6
Foggy Memories, Half Truths, and Falsehoods The older I get, the foggier memories from my life become. I’m no longer sure how accurate my history, as I know it, is. These are those stories. I think. 5
Heart and Humanity One heart, many stories. Bringing diversity to life. 5
Milieuu Making the ordinary come to life. 5
anagram Poetry, meditations, incantations, and experimentations. 5
Quick Blogs Under Pi (3.14) Minutes Global haven for the curious minds to learn and share new ideas on technology, relationships, philosophy, success, life lessons, mental health, & more. Feed your brain with short, diverse reads under 3.14 minutes 5
Truth Has Wings A space for those uncomfortable stories nobody wants to tell or hear. They are like little seeds, and here they will find fertile soil in which to be planted and grow into beautiful plants. Maybe poisonous, but beautiful nevertheless. 5
Agora24 Imagine the world without limits, where language creates movement by giving life a momentum. Where the content is free of polyphonic spin offs leading to relativization and falsification of reality. If your words can change the world we invite you to read and write to us. 5
EVERYTHİNG You can find articles on all topics here. That’s why the publication is called “everything”. 5
Everyday, It’s Something Everyday, It’s Something 5