Publications tagged `KNOWLEDGE`
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Knowledge Bottle The world is in fact just that: an obligation to share. 15
Approximations About the hard problems of Humanity. Science is approximate and just one part of the story. The rest lies beyond language and logic, accessible only through mindfulness. Wisdom is seeing the fallibility of one and the ineffability of the other — and in using them in balance. 10
Something New — Education Stories that contribute to the adage — learn something new, every day. 6
Making Knowledge Public A place to talk about university knowledge, open access and making knowledge public. 3
Proactive Learning Learning through everyday experiences in a proactive manner. 3
21st Century Learning Discussing how to most efficiently absorb new ideas, concepts, and models, and how to most effectively transform these new mental models into new skillsets and behavioral routines. 3
Iqcurve Reinforcing knowing and doing. 2
A Few Wise Words Revisiting the wisdom of the great minds of the yore. 2
Quick Knowledge Fun two to three-minute stories on History, Science, and Culture that leave you more knowledgable than you were a few minutes ago! 2
The Compounding Studies in the Compounding Effect of Lifelong Learning 1
Tech’Knowledge’ Tech’Knowledge’ is a new sci-tech publication. The publication will cover the latest & greatest innovations in the technology and science field. All posts published on Tech’Knowledge’ are subject to editing and fact-checking for accuracy by editors. 1
Friday Knowledge The one new thing that stood out in your learning path for a week. 0