Publications tagged `DATA ANALYTICS`
Name Followers
Select Star Data discovery stories 16
Freestone Infotech Machine Learning | Big Data Solutions | Data Analytics 13
GlassBox A commonwealth of new and upcoming ideas for students, authors, coders, and industry experts that focuses on powerful projects with simple goals. 12
Towards Data Analytics Our aim is for this publication to host content that is focused on data analytics specifically as it is becoming an emergent field. We will also look for articles that highlight the hard work of data analytics professionals, and that showcase data analytics methods and processes 10
Filament Blog All the latest articles and news from Filament. 9
Kaizen Analytix We Make Analytics Actionable and Accessible 8
Altinity The go-to resource to optimize ClickHouse performance, covering best practices, tips, tutorials from ClickHouse experts, community members, developers, data engineers, and more. 8
Firstwater Where purpose puts intelligence first. 7
EzDataMunch EzDataMunch helps companies drive their business by providing insight and access into critical data, KPIs, and metrics with a user-friendly and cost-effective enterprise dashboard applications. 7 People are unhappy and companies lose trillions each year on high turnover and disengaged employees. We created Aecho X, an innovative tool that gives deep, unbiased, meaningful insights into your people’s thoughts, emotions and behaviors for collective organizational wellbeing. 6
Transformalytics Driving Digital Transformation at large scale organizations requires a combination of the right platforms, processes and people. I work with Fortune 500 to setup the right platforms and processes. 5
MyDataModels Discover an innovative Augmented Analytics platform accessible to all professional to help them extract value from their data. 5
HData Systems Awarded As Top Big Data Analytics & BI Consultant 3
A Slacker’s Guide to Data Analysis This is a repertoire of a novice analyst’s journey while navigating her way around the, often intimidating, field of data science. 2
Keyrus Canada Keyrus is an international player in the transformation and performance of companies. It sets out to position itself as a strategic partner for its clients, assisting them to master their digital experience. 2