Publications tagged `CREATIVITY`
Name Followers
the little CURIOUS Lessons learnt from the curious: work, creativity, productivity, and finding balance 6
Procedural Stories Machines creating texts. Amusing, clever, bland? 6
Life Dancing Discover new ways to live well, be creative, and feel happy. Stories, experiences, and tips from the arts to help us all make more sense of the world. 6
The Dark Glass A personal magazine about creativity and content, in life and in business. 6
Featherstory Synchronicity and the Sacred 6
Empath’s Guide to Life This publication is a place for creative empaths to be inspired and empowered to live a fulfilled, purpose-driven, and successful life, whatever that may look like. 6
Entrepreneurship & Art Content to help artists build sustainable careers and to inspire businesses to think more creatively 6
Our Own Story We publish self-curated articles, fiction, essays, poems, artworks, etc. by anybody on Medium. We welcome both native English writers, as well as second language English writers. Freedom of speech is the key. 6
Motf Creations A social and creative space for creatives. 6
Ethereal Journal Making the unattainable attainable through actionable advice. 6
Courting My Muse Thoughts, inspirations and destinations stumbled upon during a journey through life as a musician, artist, photographer and writer 6
Project: Raven Novel Project: Raven Novel traces the expansion of a short story into a novel via creative blogging. 6
One Step at a Time Blog Learning Blog | Book Summaries -> Chapter by Chapter | 🙂📖🚀🌍 5
hastyville The Land of Fleeting Moments — A simulation formed by art, adventure and creativity 5
Immersive Worldbuilding Learning how to build immersive fantasy worlds for novels and roleplaying games 5