Publications tagged `CRYPTO`
Name Followers
Unitychain General Distributed Technology Company 24
bigtoken_app BIGtoken is the first privacy focused, opt-in data marketplace where people can own and monetize their data. 24
Kaleidoscope XCP An artistic experiment in cryptographic digital asset management. 22
X2X Technology, Powered by CRIP.TO X2X Technology, the most anonymous cryptocurrency, with shielded addresses, a novel consensus mechanism and unlimited scalability.CRIP.TO: the highest level of encryption for your online communications and crypto transactions through custom hardware, running on the X2X technology 21
The Bitcoin Times Facts over Fiction. Practice over Theory. Timeless, Limited edition content, news, & information on Bitcoin. 21
Cryptic Crypto Cryptocurrencies are everywhere and every coin has a vibrant community. But what innovation is coming next? 21
AI Trend We make AI better 12
CoinCentral Staff Picks Curated editorials from the friendly decentralized CoinCentral journalists. 11
Near Devs The publication aims to educated developers and blockchain enthusiasts about NEAR. NEAR is a scalable smart contract platform that supports decentralized applications of almost any kind. Leverage an ecosystem of components backed by cutting edge technology. 11 Cryptal EOS builds the Decentralized Applications of the future, integrating Blockchain properties of decentralization & Democracy to improve the effectiveness of industry specific operations 10
Flux Pay International and Local Bank transfers Simplified. 10
The Stockade Building the future of security tokens on solid foundations. 9
Blockchain, Crpto, DeFi, Web3.0 The publication contains various stories about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, DeFi from theoretical concepts to practical programming to building applications and dapps 7
EmbracingParadoxes Against being ideologically immunized / Wider ideologische Immunisiertheit 6
Buycoins Research Buycoins Research provides educational blockchain resources, digital market reports, and in-depth analysis of blockchain and crypto solutions 6