Publications tagged `SMALL BUSINESS`
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INVANTI: STORY Thoughts from INVANTI as we activate entrepreneurial talent to solve important problems in the Midwest. 61
FloBiz Blog India is well-poised to become a global economic superpower soon. In our pursuit to drive technology inclusion in small businesses, we are building FloBiz  —  the country’s first neobusiness platform. 42
Yolanda Lau musings on entrepreneurship, startups, angel investing, consulting, freelancing, work-life fit, work-life balance, the future of work, and motherhood 26
Rustbelt Innovators Stories, ideas, and events from communities along the riverways and around the Great Lakes 22
Kamino Wallet Slim, minimalist, eco-friendly minimalist paper wallets that help you live lightly. 20
Night Sky Creative A space for creatives to share knowledge and skills. We share our collective knowledge and insights on a range of entrepreneurial topics. Our goal is share all our hard-earned insights and experiences so you can level-up your business and creativity more effectively. 16
The Entrepreneurial Thinker The Entrepreneurial Thinker is dedicated to telling real stories about entrepreneurship. We go beyond the fluff and the how-to, we dig as deep as we can to get to the truth 16
High Profile Magazine High Profile Magazine publishes articles about small business, entrepreneurs, and personal branding. We also publish interviews with entrepreneurs, business owners, consultants, coaches, freelancers and self-employed professionals who are experts in their field. 14
Small Business Matters Running a freelancing business can be daunting. Here’s what we’ve learned along the way; hopefully it will make your own journey easier. 7
Business With Impact Your business is a powerful avenue for making a difference, having impact. Impact is more than mission, more than purpose. Impact is where your unique best self contributes to making the world a better place for all of us. 6
coFLOWco coFLOWco is a Management Consulting + Brand Strategy Collective. Our social entrepreneurs and creative, technical, business, + educational consultants are *Leading with Purpose*, building an ethical, accessible, and inclusive “Future of Work”–one business at a time. 5
TrepSess Magazine TrepSess is a digital magazine for startup founders and entrepreneurs hungry for success. Interviews and stories with industry leaders, experts, startup founders, entrepreneurs on all levels, VCs and more. 4
Helpdotcom We are the experts on customer service for small businesses. 3
Good Business Kit Learn how to get started with a new business, launch your brand, find customers, keep your team engaged, reduce operational costs and grow your business. 3
Microbiz Champ Microbiz Champ champions 1–5 person businesses, helping them thrive. Ideas. Mindsets. Sales. Marketing. Finance. Hiring. Legal. Customer Service. Relationships. 3