Publications tagged `DATA VISUALIZATION`
Name Followers
ProCogia Our mission is to empower organizations to achieve sustainable advantage through data solutions. 5
Sitech Asset Health Center Sharing our challenges and solutions in the field of Condition Based Monitoring for the Chemical Industry 5
AutisticalData An illustrated guide to data, studies, evidence and science relating to autism. 4
ogi_on_ds I will share the resources I find on a daily basis, certain pieces of code, and posts about my habit of taking notes. 4
LabelMe |📈| Качественная разметка под ключ |💵| Работа для фрилансеров |⚡️| Тестовый датасет в срок 3 часа |💌| 5 % от заказа за клиента 3
Anne Kerr’s Blog All things data… 2
A Slacker’s Guide to Data Analysis This is a repertoire of a novice analyst’s journey while navigating her way around the, often intimidating, field of data science. 2
Calyps AI After 15+ years of data analytics, CALYPS entered the new era of deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in 2019. Our company has recently developed an AI able to relieve congestion in a hospital emergency room. Here’s the story. 2
Atha Data Science In Sanskrit, each auspicious moment of undertaking begins with the word “atha” — it means now, right now, only after everything that led to this exact moment. This blog is where you can follow my undertaking of the journey to becoming a Data Scientist. 2
Data Pack A package of tutorials, good tips, and awesome information! by Leon Bueno 2
Coffee Sucre A data science coffee shop cohosted by two cousins. 2
SopherApps This is a blog about data-centric software apps, how to design, build and use data-heavy software apps, the SopherApps way. 2
BroadHorizon Cmotions We love data! 1
Data Affairs We try to gather insights about geopolitics and current affairs using all the open-source data. providing information without presenting authentic data is now obsolete. 1
Data Dolittle An applied data science platform 1