Publications tagged `ECONOMICS`
Name Followers
Revamping Economics Looking at economics now that some of the results of Neo-liberalism are available 5
Matters + Minds Matters + Minds provides an in-depth look at various social and economic issues within California and the US. 4
Numbers that Matter Numbers that Matter is a love story to the “good number” — one that is easy to understand, captures all of an issue, and illuminates the reader. We find good numbers that are important to every American voter and write about them in a clear and simple style. 4
Consider That Consider That provides a collection of unique ideas and perspectives stretching from culture and lifestyle to politics and current affairs. 4
An Economy of Our Own Blog AEOO is an alliance that believes today’s woman also needs an economy of her own — one valuing our diversity, waged for our lives, and driven by women’s ideas and leadership. Follow us on Medium for resources, updates and thought-provoking articles. 4
National Security Weekly We compile the most comprehensive stories relating to U.S. National Security, including: Food & Water insecurity, Rare Earth Elements, non-standard warfare, and ongoing operations 4
A Journal of the Trump Era An independent scholar searches for a better understanding of where we are, and how we got here. 4
Letters to a Layperson Explaining things I should know to myself. 3
Complexity Everywhere Unexpected Events in Markets, Politics, and Society 3
Alex Poulin History buff. Finance buff. Politically Savvy. Trying to inspire others to learn more through my work 3
Europa Rup Información cosmopolita desde ultramar. Cosmopolitan news from overseas. 3
Seven to One An economic, foreign affairs and global interest publication for readers and writers who look beyond the recycled news and learn from each other. 3
Rejecting Reality Challenging our political, economic, and social realities. Humans made this world: let’s make a better one. 3
What Then? What will the world look like after Hyperbitcoinization? 2
Stadelman Exploring the human condition through political, cultural and economic lenses. 2