Publications tagged `SCIENCE FICTION`
Name Followers
danonwriting Learning what a story is, one misplaced character motivation at a time 6
The Quiet Narcissist Fiction and Whatever Else By Brandon Applegate 6
Word by Word: An Author’s Journey Exploring the long hard road of an aspiring fantasy, science fiction, and Gothic writer. 6
The Mystic’s Trove Musings from the Mystic in Story and Poem. 5
Keith McDuffee Works … much to his dismay 5
Fiction Foundry Science fiction and fantasy stories of adventures in other worlds. 4
Physics of Shadow and Light The intersection of science and spirituality. The balance of truth and beauty. The equations of love and infinity. 3
Facets of Fantasy A place to celebrate and critique all forms of fantasy fiction, from movies to books to video games. 3
Redemption The publication of last resort for the tired, the poor, The huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my pen beside the golden door! 3
Book of Pilgrimage I — Tree of Truth A YA Novel 2
Steve Chatterton — Short Fiction The title sort of explains itself, right? If I’ve managed to get it published, it eventually ends up here. 2
Science Fictioned Science Fictioned takes ideas from cutting-edge, scientific research papers and turns them into science fiction and fantasy stories. 2
BookNose Book reviews and opinions: sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, literary fiction and more 2
the symbiologist Tara Anand’s field journals are the last remaining record of symbiosis. Join curators from the Galactic Museum of Natural History in reviewing this long-lost explorer’s observations of ocean fungi, eyeball parasites, a mysterious red rust that isn’t actually rust, and beyond. 2
Restive Souls Website for my upcoming novel, Restive Souls. Also, random word origami, politics, rants, poetry, and whatever other else enters my mind as we resist the idiocracy. 2