Publications tagged `SCIENCE FICTION`
Name Followers
The Mantle The Mantle is a serialized fantasy story set long after an apocalyptic event has reshaped the world. 2
My Rambling Reviews Reviews of shows and movies about super heroes, science fiction, and others. 2
Salvage of Empire Ever since the Galactic Emperor disappeared, Director Kolteo Ais has been the top man in the Empire. Now he has a problem: his brother-in-law has returned from exile with a secret that will destroy Kolteo and the Empire. Can Kolteo save his Empire? Can he even save his marriage? 1
Conjectures Tip-toeing toward understanding 1
Universe & Surroundings Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrobiology, Space Exploration, Science Fiction, Technology 1
Fraction A online platform where the authors discuss everything that fascinates them 1
Clockwork Mandibles Science fiction and fantasy offer us escapism from the real world, allegorical tales to inform our opinions, and breathtaking visions and concepts to blow our minds. This publication is dedicated to writing tales of awe and imagination. 1
The Singer File The year is 2049, and microchips have been implanted in every human being on Earth.    So, when Global Intelligence Agent Alex Rose finds Doctor Joshua Singer unconscious with his hand cut off, Singer suspects that the violent act may be part of a something much bigger. 1
Space Traveler Fargone A space blogger and an intergalactic influencer team up (not by choice) to explore space. Fun and adventure await in this serial space sitcom. 1
Best Guess Ideas, Opinion and Science Fiction, touching on Philosophy, Economics, Politics and Technology. 0