Publications tagged `FACT CHECKING`
Name Followers
Valigia Blu Viaggio nel mondo del giornalismo che cambia 3,226
MisinfoCon Trust, Verification, Fact Checking & Beyond. 2,022
PesaCheck A fact-checking initiative to verify the financial and other statistical numbers quoted by public figures across East Africa, supported by International Budget Partnership, and Code for Africa affiliates in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. 529
Checkpoint A publication of Checkstep providing content moderation at scale to online communities. We publish articles related to disinformation, fact-checking, online moderation, and free expression. 17
Our.News Our.News makes it easy for anyone to fact check, rate, and review content online, such as news articles, blog posts, Tweets, and Facebook posts. 7
BOOM BOOM is an independent digital journalism initiative with a mission to fight misinformation and make the internet safer. We are India’s premier fact checking website, committed to bring to our readers verified facts rather than opinion. 3