Publications tagged `SOCIAL JUSTICE`
Name Followers
Reform School For the smart kids that sat in the back of the bus. 0
Life in the (Not So) Big City Reflections, commentary, and criticisms on urban and suburban lifestyles 0
Needle Movers Each week until the 2020 election, we’ll share the story of how one womxn embraced one moment and did one thing to move the needle towards equality. We hope they inspire you to make the same choice. 0
Pax and Politica Welcome to the only source which provides balanced informative and opinion pieces on politics, foreign policy, immigration, race issues, and social justice. 0
Meliora Magazine Meliora Magazine spreads stories and information about current issues, aiming to bring positive social values to our community and bring about gender and racial equality. 0
Real Change Medium Publication on Social Justice, Black Lives Matter, Activism, and the Red Movement -2