Publications tagged `PHARMACEUTICAL`
Name | Followers | ||
Chronicled | Bringing Trust to Global Commerce | 368 | |
Variant Bio | Variant Bio is developing therapies that will improve global health by studying the genes of people who are outliers for medically relevant traits. | 87 | |
Elucidata | Elucidata accelerates drug discovery by applying its AI-enabled platform, Polly, to vast heterogeneous semi-structured biomedical data. Polly makes available biomedical data FAIR and transforms it into a ready-to-use form. | 49 | |
Substance (Ab)use | How do substances, from the legal to the illicit, from the prescribed to the scored, play a role in your life? Tell your story. We won’t judge. | 22 | |
DDBHealth | A Force for Good Health | 8 | |
Why There’s Not a Single Cure for Cancer | Advancements in cancer treatment are a collection of new technologies combined in the right ways to address each subset of cancer. | 4 |