Publications tagged `PHARMACEUTICAL`
Name Followers
Chronicled Bringing Trust to Global Commerce 368
Variant Bio Variant Bio is developing therapies that will improve global health by studying the genes of people who are outliers for medically relevant traits. 87
Elucidata Elucidata accelerates drug discovery by applying its AI-enabled platform, Polly, to vast heterogeneous semi-structured biomedical data. Polly makes available biomedical data FAIR and transforms it into a ready-to-use form. 49
Substance (Ab)use How do substances, from the legal to the illicit, from the prescribed to the scored, play a role in your life? Tell your story. We won’t judge. 22
DDBHealth A Force for Good Health 8
Why There’s Not a Single Cure for Cancer Advancements in cancer treatment are a collection of new technologies combined in the right ways to address each subset of cancer. 4