Publications tagged `BUSINESS`
Name Followers
Political Economy Political Economy aims to present information about economics from its traditional origins: the study of economics as it applies to society and politics. 8
The DropOuter The Dropout is a community of storytellers documenting the journey startup, business, freelancing, and entrepreneurship. 8
We Will Think is a place where creative people; who want to excel in their craft; can learn about the meta-skills around marketing and business. It’s a place where real life lessons from mentors, teachers, coaches are condensed. 7
New Africa Network Inspiring the African mind. 7
Revolutionary Entrepreneur Innovation-driven insights and news on business, technology and science. 7
Scaelup Stories in the life of an organisation, uncovering what helps leaders grow their people. 7
The Millennial’s Playbook The Millennial’s Guide To Personal Finance, Investing, Entrepreneurship, Life Hacking & More 7
Data Solstice A look into the future of business and information systems 7
Empathy Inc. — Occasional Insights Thought leadership about business, marketing, and media 7
YOM. Mejorando el canal tradicional de ventas para una mejor rentabilidad y eficiencia. 7
Steamy Romance Writing Academy Tips, tricks, & information from writers making money in the steamy romance genre. Whether you’re looking for another passive income stream or a viable path to financial freedom, authors at the Steamy Romance Writing Academy are here to share their creative side hustle journey. 7
Possibility™ Journey Sharing knowledge to help you design a healthier and more sustainable future. A blog exploring better Design and Growth possibilities — Let’s explore and design #thoughtfullyforward. 👨‍💻👉 7
Voltaire Blog Understand the world with a deeper perspective — drawing on history, philosophy and natural science. Voltaire creates ethical media focused on radical honesty, transparency and accountability in politics, finance & international affairs. 7
The Intersection by Anthem Republic Exploring the intersection where business and marketing meet the future. 6
Business With Impact Your business is a powerful avenue for making a difference, having impact. Impact is more than mission, more than purpose. Impact is where your unique best self contributes to making the world a better place for all of us. 6