Publications tagged `PYTHON`
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The Geekytorium Are you a newbie to the world of programming? Are these technical jargons making you pulling your hair out whilst trying to comprehend them? In that case, today is your lucky day, because you’ve landed at the right place! Over here you will find all technical concepts simplified. 4
Keita Starts Data Science Keita just started learning data science with little knowledge about programing in June 2019. You will see how it goes. 3
Packagr Tutorials for Packagr, your private Python package index 3
Talpor React, Javascript, Python, Django and other topics. 3
Deep Learning with PyTorch This publication gives you an insight into deep learning 3
Computers learn English through NLP in Python NLP can help us to create machines and robots that can understand human emotions just like a normal person would do. Libraries like NLTK, SpaCy in Python are used in NLP. Corpus, Tokens, Metadata, Uni-gram, Bi-gram, Tri-gram, N-gram are important terms. 3
Nothingaholic We love what we do. The moment when we realize we’ve learned something new makes every meeting or change worth it. Learn on! 3
Solving the Human Problem Machine Learning and AI articles of how to solve problems for humans 3
IT For Thought Concepts, ideas and tutorials on Information Technology. 3
Data Sensitive Data Science Guides, Tutorials & Blogs 2
Atha Data Science In Sanskrit, each auspicious moment of undertaking begins with the word “atha” — it means now, right now, only after everything that led to this exact moment. This blog is where you can follow my undertaking of the journey to becoming a Data Scientist. 2
Coderss Our Aim Is Simple Learn, Teach and Grow 2
Knowledge Gurukul Discussion on Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, AI, AWS, Cloud Solution. 2
Python Data Wrangling by Smriti Changulani In this publication, will walk you through all data wrangling steps using python used on day to day basis, which includes data acquisition, data cleansing, data manipulation and data management using python. 2
Data Science in simple words Your guide for Data Science : Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision… 2