Publications tagged `JESUS`
Name Followers
FaithTech Institute Exploring the world of faith and the world of technology. Can these two worlds co-exist? Or are they the same world? Do they cooperate or conflict? It’s uncharted territory. Chart it with us. 245
Nobody Left Out A place for messy, broken people (like me!). Because God doesn’t want anyone left out. 126
State of Faith State of Faith is a publication that takes a look at your faith in Jesus Christ and pits it against the unique issues that face the church today. 111
Devotable Devotable publishes Christ-centered material that encourages believers daily and spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. 97
UWCCF UWCCF student blog 33
InspireBuzz Your Day Just Got Better! 27
Nuts and bolts of the Bible Back to the basics of the Bible and Christian teachings. 14
The Good News Satire It’s not sacrilegious, but… 7
Brother Edgar Stories of a Catholic religious 5
Liturgy of the Beloved Liturgy of the Beloved is a meshing together of liturgical tradition and prayer with modern day expressions of poetry, spoken word, meditation, reflection and art, meant to creatively express the God who calls himself Love and calls us Beloved. 1
Owl Theology Thinking about God and the words we use to talk about Him. To quote the Dr Rowan Williams, theology is just “searching for the least stupid thing you can say…”, hopefully some of this falls into that category. 0
Daily Fatherhood A journey through marriage and parenting from the perspective of a Christian husband and father. My goal is that as I share my experience and my reflections on it will help other men to examine their own relationships and lead their families well as we are called to do. 0