Publications tagged `LOVE`
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Life, It Happens Life happens, there’s no other way around it. Relationships, love, family, faith, work, & dreams are just a few key ingredients. No matter if they are building us up or breaking us down, we can’t stop it. But, we can learn from it and get better at it. Life happens, let’s enjoy. 7
The Juicy Life A space for telling stories, sharing experiences, and inspiring each other to live more boldly and juice-fully. 7
8 Million FootPrints This publication is dedicated to healing the world one article at a time. Do your part. 7
wrlds random stories about life, love, loss, and the digital age. 6
Love, Factually Love not as we see it in the movies or in romance novels, but as it is in real life. Stories not coated in sugar, fairy dust or wish fulfilment: raw, real, love factually. 6
Fathers Of War A Place For Veteran Men To Learn About Relationships, Health, PTSD, and Life After Service 6
Tales of Being The fabric of our lives is woven with individual stories that we live within our quietiest moments. This publication is dedicated to sharing stories (fiction and non-fiction) that nurture empathy and compassion for our unique, yet ordinary being. 6
Ti Amo On love, relationship, marriage and people. 6
Heart and Humanity One heart, many stories. Bringing diversity to life. 5
Healthily In Love Inspiring healthier relationships and authentic ways to love 5
Stairwell Lovers Sweet nothings whispered in a stairwell .. A romantic correspondence between two soulmates in an open relationship 5
Joanna’s Stories Genuine Stories from My Life. 5
Craft Writes Timely articles on life, faith, love, and work from the heart of Chris Craft 4
we’re here too We’re here too is a new publication designed to give young adults a platform to share their voice. We are a generation full of innovative ideas, extraordinary creativity, and a passion for the truth. 4
RelationshipFire RelationshipFire focuses on love, dating, and relationships of all kinds. In it, you’ll find answers to common relationship questions, personal stories, and advice on how to create the best relationships of your life. 4