Publications tagged `COMPUTER SCIENCE`
Name Followers
AccelByte Inc Any news and knowledge-sharing posted by AccelByte Inc 46
QubitCo Tutorials and explanations about qubits, quantum computing, quantum mechanics, coding with Qiskit, and more 45
GWLab A blog for gravitational-waves physics, general physics, computer, and programming. 42
Programming Tips Content related to programming: tips, code-snippets, concepts. 42
ML Summaries Summarize everything related to Machine Learning, mainly Research papers, Blogs and Videos. 38
Kinetic Dial Software Engineering and other thoughts 34
Distributed Systems Architecture Lets talk about modern distributed systems & also explore how these systems have evolved with time 33
Kaushik’s Engineering Musings Here are somethings I thought were worth sharing. Will likely end up being a lot of Computer Science related stuff. 30
Cold Brew Code Richard Russell’s Personal Coding Blog 30
CUInfoScience The Information Science department at CU Boulder is powered by interdisciplinary research and teaching that allows us not only to imagine what today’s technology makes possible, but to invent what society will do with technology next. 27
Helix Foundation A world based on Consensus 26
Pragmatic Computer Science In this blog, I want to show that: a) there are real production problems that can be solved with computer science; b) computer science is not about “reverse a linked list” from a typical coding interview. 21
Visionary Hub A platform built for young writers to express their passion and knowledge of technology, philosophy, and other relevant topics in today’s world. 21
Paul Meng Paul Meng's publication 20
The New Blackboard Providing a community for current and past Cal Poly Mustangs in the Computer Science Department to share their experiences to better the future for incoming students and disrupt the stereotype of the typical programmer 20