Publications tagged `COMPUTER SCIENCE`
Name Followers
Women In Computing UCSD Women in Computing (WIC) at UCSD is an organization that provides opportunities for female engineers to connect and succeed in computing. 1
mohessaid My official blog where I write about technologies and stuff! 1
CPU Simulation in JavaScript Collection of articles detailing the simulation of digital logic circuits and components to create a primitive but functional computer. 1
bitbybit with tanisha Hello! From the first moon landings in the Apollo missions to the mapping of the human genome, technology has aided humankind immensely and has infinite possibilities for growth in the future. Let’s take a journey through some of the most novel innovations broken down bitbybit. 1
The Glitcher Everything under the Computer science 0
bitsbytesandme My tech journey about the things I have learned, will learn and I unlearned. 0
Software Science Musings on Math, Data Science, and Sotware Engineering 0
The High Performance Computing Forum We intend to explore and share knowledge related to HPC especially GPGPUs, Parallel and Distributed Programming, and Performance Engineering. 0
HackMobile The top publication for mobile hackers and devs. 0
ReThink Programming Like Never Before 0
Achiev Articles about computer science and programming, written by software developers and tech trainers from Achiev & Jounco 0
spectrin A place for a software engineer who always “strive for excellence” and enhancing their skillset to compete professionally within the digital world and beyond. 0
CODEWALAS Simplifying Coding! 0