Publications tagged `RANTS AND RAVES`
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Ain’t Yo’ Mama’s Tea Party! A place for strong women to unite. No judgements here. LIke the show, “Cheers”; It’s a place where everybody knows your name, and you’re always glad you came! We welcome strong women who own their bitchiness and don’t apologize for it, and men who stand behind us. 135
What’s Up? M A Go-To Publication to Faciliate An Improved Writer’s Experience on Medium 15
Moonview Thoughts, insights, musings, and rants 12
OutSpoken If You Like To Rant, We Have An Outlet 6
The Devil’s Music Articles that don’t need to be written, but are born of compulsion. Excessive, bloated, but always well crafted. Dial in hard for thoughts and revelations you didn’t know you needed. Find a new way to look at an album, an artist or even record collecting. 0