Publications tagged `TECHNOLOGY NEWS`
Name Followers
TheOtherDev/s Hey you! Yes, you! I know you’ve stumbled upon our blog while searching for more kittens videos. Well, you’re entering our world dude, so listen up! Trust us, it’ll be worth it. 37
TechGenyz TechGenyz is a leading source of news and information on latest Technology, Social Media, Startup, Digital Innovation and more, which influence the people around the world. 31
Therapists in Tech Authored by experts on the frontiers of digital mental health — therapists, researchers, and mental health professionals in tech spaces from corporate to start-up life. 29
Simply Technology Technology, no buzzwords. 29
Adel blog Adel is a first-of-its kind blockchain startup incubator and global cryptocurrency community that is self-sustainand offers its own economic ecosystem with the Adelphoi (ADL) coin. 24
Var City UW Empowering the University of Washington’s Computer Science, Informatics and Human-Centered Design community 23
This Is My Tech Violating Your Narrative 18
MDBlog MDB is a vibrant, open community of developers seeking to drive change within and without Berkeley. Our community fosters a passion for first-class development, innovative ideas, and continued learning within an inclusive and supportive family. 16
Descripter Collection of stories about the near future 13
Digital Trends At this age of modern technology where the new technology are developed or created each day, tech websites and blogs come in handy. Internet users would know these new technologies through reading this blog publication. 13
New World Optimist A little realistic optimism about the future of humanity. From life coaching tips for the 21st-century to advancements in tech, and everything in between. Stories about whatever is obsession-worthy at the moment. 12
Default Engineering Blog We are a community of software engineers that helps engineering talent work with top product companies. 11
Alliance to Counter Crime Online Fighting organized crime activity on social media 10
Loblaw Digital At Loblaw Digital, we know that our customers expect the best from us. Whether that means building the best, most innovative online shopping experience, or designing an app that will impact the lives of people across the country, we’re up for the challenge. 10
Truncated Knowledge Made Simple. A look at everything from emerging technology to startups and token economies. Website coming soon. 8