Publications tagged `BOOKS`
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Bookish PhDLife The experiences of a PhD student and self-proclaimed bookworm. Featuring topics related to books, PhDlife and Self-Improvement 11
A Series of Unfortunate Ramblings @apocalliepse has a lot to say about media and not much to say about artichokes. Which is why you won’t find anything about them here. 11
At Gisty Publication for new writers or for stories that don’t quite fit anywhere else — your words are welcomed here. 11
Dads Who Read Articles by a Facebook community of fathers who like to read for ourselves, to our kids, or both. | 10
Publisha Articles and papers that revolve around publishing technology, book and typographic design and occassional posts of a more personal nature from Chris Jennings. See also my static GitHub site: 10
The Window Seat Books. Travel. Culture. 10
Central Coast Writers Conference Explore the Central Coast and stay for the Best in the West and nationally known, Central Coast Writer’s conference. Take Master Classes with authors who pen some of your favorite novels and hit TV shows. Create your next chapter and evolve that writer within you. 9
Life is Lit. Insight on our lives in the context of our literature: re-examining the classics in light of contemporary culture. 9
Bohemia Magazine A digital literary magazine featuring book reviews, literary criticism, author profiles and essays. 8
Love Writing and Be Well All things writing: craft, technique, analysis, wellbeing. 8
We Will Think is a place where creative people; who want to excel in their craft; can learn about the meta-skills around marketing and business. It’s a place where real life lessons from mentors, teachers, coaches are condensed. 7
HackrLife A publication on technology , self improvement , investing and other life interests 7
The Blog of Nithursan Here I write what I learn each day. Often the noblest of the ideas that matter, ideas that can make your life better, ideas that can make you rethink your old assumptions. 7
The Lift Up Podcast A monthly transatlantic conversation about books, writing, identity, and representation, centered on marginalized voices and stories 7
The Front Row Entertaining reviews for genre, art house, and foreign films. 7