Publications tagged `READING`
Name Followers
Galleys A home for books and authors on Medium 29,394
Books Are Our Superpower Book reviews, recommendations, summaries, rants — as long as it is related to books, your piece is welcome here. We aim to build a community of book lovers sharing about the books that moved them the most. 10,331
The Every Day Novelist An Experiment in Reading + Writing 6,765
Other Voices A sanctuary for orphaned poems and prose. 5,867
CommonLit CommonLit is a literacy and assessment program for grades 3–12. 3,903
Four Minute Books Four Minute Books is a collection of 700+ summaries of the world’s best books. Learn 3 lessons from great books in 4 minutes or less. 2,128
Amateur Book Reviews Recent reviews and impressions on books you've read! Writers welcome! Follow me and email me at with a draft. 1,225
inside Blogging Unofficial insights on blogging. 902
ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Submit your book chapters in story format 591
A Thousand Lives We are a publication about books. We accept book reviews, ramblings, recommendations and stories about authors and writing. 584
Fellowship Writers A community of writers, a positive environment, a safe place to become a better reader/writer. Not religiously affiliated. 542
The Nonconformist Magazine The sharpest stories and perspectives around. We write about books, without compromise. For nonconformists only. 470
Tom Thoughts Thoughts on reading, writing, creativity, and a life well lived. 441
Literature Lust For readers, writers, and thinkers with an insatiable desire for the written word 255
Pocket Design Tales from the Pocket Design Team 242