Publications tagged `MATHEMATICS`
Name Followers
Math Hacks Tutorials with a fresh perspective. 14,126
However, Mathematics Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics. 6,278
The Infinite Universe Dedicated to exploring the philosophy and science of time, space, and matter. 4,405
Q.E.D. Reimagining the learning and teaching of mathematics 4,025
Explore Science & Artificial Intelligence Share interest in Science and explore AI through the principles of Machine/Statistical Learning, Mathematics and Computer Science. 1,922
MathAdam Maths is like finger-painting. Messy and beautiful. 959
Engineer Quant Delve into engineering and quantitative analysis 816
Science Journal Making sense of the world through science 730
Math Simplified Simplified is a publication aiming at making mathematics accessible and enjoyable. 422
Quantum Untangled We are a community making quantum computing and the topics related to it accesible to audiences from all levels of expertise. 306
justanothermathmo A mathematics student at cambridge. Interests in mathematics, programming, philosophy of mathematics. 193
The Breakthrough We publish the science-related article. 165
Data as a better idea Learning about Data Science,Statistics,Mathematics, etc 156
All About Algorithms From intuitive explanations to in-depth analysis, algorithms come to life with examples, code, and awesome visualizations. 120
The Sugar Beet: Applied MPC Developments in secure computation 119