Tom Harrison’s Blog
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional
Tom Harrison
Software architecture, infrastructure, design, and good ol' writin' code.
Latest Posts
The Other AI: Self-Driving is Here
People are sure that self-driving cars are a cute idea that might be real some time in the future. It’s actually here right now.
Good Environments == Good Security
If your software versions are old, you’re at risk. Without proper environments you can’t be secure.
Learned another couple languages in the last six months
A little C, some C++, lots of Java, lots of Ruby, lots of shell, some Scala then a bunch of DSLs and other sorta-languages. Last year, I…
Don’t Be Innovative. KISS or Die.
If you’re a developer at a startup, know it’s your job to deliver fast, not to create innovative software or infrastructure. KISS, or die.
Managing Microservices: Tyranny of Too Many Channels
How do we manage the explosion of signals that arise when we implement a microservice architecture?
Why AWS Glue Jobs and PySpark Use No Memory (Almost)
I am new to AWS Glue Jobs and PySpark. I made some assumptions about how my jobs used memory.
Software Engineering is Hard
Software engineering is hard. I am cursed with mediocre technical skills and unrelenting curiosity. The emotional cost is the hardest part.
Bash: Don’t Do This
Bash scripts can be terse and clever, or as dumb as a stump. I vote for dumb, as long as your intent is clear.
Terraform modules: separate repo with semantic version tags
We have moved our terraform modules to a separate repo. Semantic version tags are a major improvement in stability.
Install PostgreSQL extension pglogical on macos
Build and install pglogical postgresql replication extension so it runs on your Mac. Turns out to be easy!
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