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The Broken Film The definitive space for film analysis. 4
Axiom Communications ​People are tired of being inundated by nonsense. Reclaim the authenticity that we’ve lost with fact-driven, engaging content you can trust. 4
LoveMundaze There’s nothing ordinary about living. 4
Torque Considering the world in an analytical, engineering mindset 4
Basic Brown Nerds We’re tired of being a model minority and taking back our narrative We just want brunch & build empires, and live in our truth 4
UNFILTERED Act The legal spotlight for dismantling institutional racism 4
Negritude and Other Indomitable Qualities Begining to unpack the ways in which oppression forces the black subject to thirst for dignity and to demand respect. In what ways does the presence of an oppressive force change how the black subject understands identity, both their own and that of others? 4
Further Reading An unplanned journey through reading. 4
Weird and Wonderful Weird and Wonderful Publication features art, photography, film, culture, philosophy, and interesting ideas that either push humanity forward or just allow us to enjoy the chaotic and diverse universe we live in. 4
Agents of DISRUPT Short story hopepunk fiction with cool technology and humor in the cartoonish future of Big City. Would you connect your mind to the cloud? Would you ride a flying jetbike through perilous missions for fun and profit? Do you want to prevail over villainy? Yes? Get in the car! 4
since1968: code and essays fierce opinions, briefly held, quietly disowned 4
eclectic dreams ad narrandum, non ad probandum 4
Glolent Glolent — Global Talent is a remote first, community based recruitment platform for digital freelancers 4
Lumi Our mission is to empower parents. We specialize in creating convenient, simple, and effective treatment plans, for children, by parents. 4
Ro-Design Get an inside look at the Design Team at Ro 4