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dollar for your thoughts started by a 15 year old girl, in an attempt to help charities, whose ethos represent my own, i created this publication where 100% of revenues will go to a select charity each month. 3
initgrep Learning paths made easy 3
MORE THAN We Do More 3
Data for Associates This is a blog about data for people who don’t do data. I cover machine learning without code or long equations. The focus is to help you understand what algorithms are capable of. It may be provocative to say a machine is ‘learning’, but given enough information patterns emerge. 3
Imperva Research Labs Imperva is an analyst-recognized, cybersecurity leader championing the fight to secure data and applications wherever they reside. 3
Bud Blog by BudWorks 3
Data Science From Signify Research Eindhoven We are Signify, the industry’s leader in connected lighting, we are the lighting company for the Internet of Things. We also have a great data team, who loves to share their knowledge through this channel. 3
Gerillass Gerillass is an open-source toolkit that contains a set of Sass mixins to help designers and developers to create better, faster and consistent user interfaces. 3
Students for Gun Legislation Students for Gun Legislation is a non-partisan student-led nonprofit organization advocating for the right of every one to be safe from gun violence. We work to identify, address, and solve the causes of gun violence in schools, homes, and neighborhoods. (On Medium Since 7/26/20) 3
GoodHabitsLab Applying behavioral science, neuroscience, behavioral economics, and psychology to habits, happiness, and productivity. “It’s the small things done consistently that are the big things.” 3
rmpnyc We are a strategic video production firm. With a smart approach to video content, we have earned the trust of global brands, corporations, agencies and creative partners. 3
Area 84 Politics & Race 3
the zero effect A (b)log of independent film writing, with reviews and sometimes.. a little more. 3
17 Onji 17 Onji publishes haiku and senryu in both modern Western style (i.e. 17 syllables) and in a form more in keeping with Japanese tradition (i.e. poems that are closer in length / duration to 17 Japanese onji, or what we know as mora). 3