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Bob’s Tech Technology, computing, gadgets: Thoughts and analysis. 203
spikelab Our writings on Data Science, predictive modeling, big data analytics, and more. 203
Product by Design Creating great products and experiences through understanding, experimenting, launching and iterating. And sharing what we learn. 203
Launch Pad Before you launch a memoir, you write it. This publication contains snippets of those works in progress. Want to launch a bestselling book? Go to 203
Open Source X Talk about anything & everything that touches your life — you choose the topic 203
Artefact Engineering and Data Science Artefact is a tech company dedicated to solving data challenges by combining state-of-the-art Machine Learning and advanced software engineering. We leverage our business knowledge to deliver tailor-made solutions and bring value to our clients. @ Artefact 203
Vulnerable Man Saving the world through pop culture and overthinking. 203
The Authentic Man The Authentic Man redefines 21st century masculinity and addresses topics other men don’t dare to talk about. Life purpose, emotions, fears, dreams, hopes, and love. Leave the chains of society behind and dare to live your life as a new, authentic man. 203
Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality A history and analysis of the Economics 101 ideology and its impact on contemporary politics and society, by James Kwak. Available now from Pantheon. 203
MLRecipies Helping Beginner’s in their journey in Machine Learning 203
AJ Contrast Al Jazeera's immersive media arm that specializes in using 360 video, virtual reality, and innovative technology to tell compelling character driven stories. 203
RoboPress Ideas and insights from the robots, pencils and ampersands of Robots & Pencils 202
Cannabis Journalism Teaching and Reporting About America’s New Normal 202
LithiumFinance Lithium Finance is the first decentralized data oracle solution that uses collective intelligence to regularly price illiquid assets that are currently expensive and difficult to value. 202
Taste — Movies & TV Taste App provides personalize recommendation for movies and TV by connecting you with likeminded people 202