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Instacart Ads The Instacart Ads blog takes a look at trends in ecommerce, offers best practices for digital advertisers, and examines what’s new with Instacart Ads, highlighting what’s of most interest to our brand partners. 171
Curated Careers What does fulfilling work really mean? How do you really ‘find your passion’? Curated Careers aims to answer some of the big questions around how to create and curate a career you love. 171
Wasm Dedicated to curating the highest quality WebAssembly (Wasm) information, in an unofficial capacity. Encouraging writers, developers and researchers to share everything from innovative business ideas & Wasm use cases, right through to technical insights, documentation & code. 171
A Work of Fiction A fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage that focuses on creative narratives spun by captivating minds. 171
Small Business STRONG Our goal is to help owners and marketers of small business amplify their message and make sound judgement. Topics include marketing, ecommerce, social media and policies. 171
BOOX Content Hub You can find BOOX featured content here, including E Ink product releases, firmware updates, tips&tricks and user stories. Follow us to keep up with every post that helps you know and use BOOX better. 171
Prosus AI Tech Blog Data Science and Machine Learning at Prosus 171
Advancing Justice | AAJC Working to empower Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to participate in our democracy and fighting for civil and human rights for all. 171
VERVE: She Said An International Collective of Badass Feminists 171
The Counselor Chronicles The Law Explained by Lawyers 171
Building Grammarly Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant helps 20 million people write better every day. Here’s what our team has learned about building complex AI-based products that scale. 171
TQ Tezos TQ Tezos works to advance the Tezos ecosystem by helping companies build on Tezos, creating open source software, and connecting the community. 170
Syntax and Semantics A blog about Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence and Science. Sponsored by Ticary Solutions 170
The Dispatcher Writings, thoughts and projects from several Postmates teams. 170
UX of EdTech Where UX design and research meets education technology. 170