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Django & Rest Django & Django Rest Framework 142
NewsTracker A conversation on the news coverage of rape and sexual violence in India. A MAAR initiative 141
Coding Rights Coding Rights é uma organização liderada por mulheres dedicada a promover a compreensão sobre o funcionamento de tecnologias digitais e expor as assimetrias de poder que podem ser ampliadas por seu uso. 141
thatMeaning Weekly intelligent reporting. 141
Afore Mentioned Afore Capital is a $124M Pre-Seed Stage Venture Capital Firm in San Francisco 141
UVC Partners News UVC Partners 141
Catholicism Coffee Catholicism Coffee is dedicated towards spreading knowledge about the Catholic Faith to the world. We passionately write articles on Catholicism, pen down thought provoking spirituality essay’s and summarise church theology and beliefs as straight-forward as possible. 141
UXReactor UXReactor is a full-service User eXperience (UX) design firm who helps teams and organizations of all maturity optimize their user-centered focus to deliver useful, usable and desirable products. We are problem solvers who love to drive business outcomes for our partners. 141
Applied Articles about software performance and IP networks 141
Devyx Delivering insights into Tableau Server automation and data visualization. 141
D’CENT Wallet D’CENT Wallet is a new generation of über convenient cold storage tools that take the worry out of managing digital asset wealth. 141
The Productive Novelist Write and market your novels faster, better, and smarter. 141
Storied The storytelling platform fueling the next generation of founders in New England. 141
Produclivity Productive proclivities for the teacher — and learner — in us all. Look at the wall your ladder leans against and remember that productivity is a vehicle, not a destination. 141
Unpops The official publication wing of the Unpops Podcast Network 141