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All of Minneapolis Walking every block of every neighborhood 115
60-Year Career 60-Year Career is a publication where I document my journey to awaken my Ikigai, become the healthiest I can be, and explore the idea of never retiring but instead doing what I love for 60 years and more. 115
Create & Code UX & IT 115
Lucid State Stories and insights captured during those fleeting moments of clarity. Share your perspective. 115
Fearlessly Nourished A place to rediscover joy in eating without restriction or fear and celebrate all the ways we nourish ourselves through self-care and body acceptance 115
Techloop We, IEEE-VIT Student Branch, are a team of tech enthusiasts who aim to develop and support the tech community. In alignment of our vision, we present to you our medium blog where we guide people through the basics and discuss the most emerging technologies. 115
The Writing Gym This is a cooperative of writers who share a common interest in improving their writing muscle, one post at a time. Find here diverse topics, and voices from everywhere. 115
Mercuryo Crypto-powered toolbox for payment innovations accessible through sole integration. 115
neoxia Your digital business partner! 115
People, Place & Health Collective Public health research that is people centered, place oriented, & data driven. We study drugs, infectious diseases + intersecting epidemics. 115
tiledb TileDB 115
Paper Planes Reflections by Daniel F Lopes on the craft of Product Management, Leadership and People, under the form of short blog posts. 114
The Dish For people who want to make the world a safer, healthier and more productive place through innovation. Created and curated by the team at SRI International. 114
Packrip Media A community-created publication covering NBA Top Shot, NFTs, and the stories and people that make them special. 114
Free VPN for your devices No more blocked sites and content 114