All Publications
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Venture Views Indo-APAC opinions, interviews and insights on entrepreneurship & finance. 75
All Kinds Of Stories For those who like to ponder and create at the intersection of human experiences, design and technology. Made and curated by the team at AKOS Web, a digital agency. 75
Breaking the Boy Code A feminism-aligned publication on masculinity. 75
Microsoft Cybersecurity Stories from the frontlines of security, compliance, and digital transformation 75
Un Yourself From the author of Unwifeable: A site dedicated to uncovering identity, unlocking inspiration and unleashing joy. 75
EthereumGaming Exploring the gaming sector on the Blockchain. Mainly focused on Ethereum. 75
The Salmon Pages Hollywood News, Punched-Up 74
fotonTech Foton tech 74
dlighted Enjoy working with data! 74
path2code A learning reflection of a complete beginner trying to code 74
QueerTech We are a community advocacy group for professionals who identify as Tech+Queer (LGBTQ+) and our Allies in Montréal. We provide a space to network, employ tech for civic engagement, and promote our visibility, diversity & inclusion in the Montréal tech start-up ecosystem. 74
Social Media For Business Owners All businesses can benefit from social media. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yelp, & YouTube are great places to raise brand awareness or drive sales. Our goal is to help all business owners use social media so they can reach more customers and make more money. 74
Overture Overture is a computer vision platform that saves data scientists weeks in development. We offer an end-to-end pipeline for cutting-edge computer vision algorithms which takes care of data input, training, deployment, and actionable analytics. Models can be compared in their pe 74
A paper a day avoids neuron decay Get ready, we are going into paper-land 74
Android Things Android, Kotlin, Computer Science 74