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Ogilvy XD Thoughts, work and hacks from the Experience Design practice at Ogilvy London 48
DALI Lab DALI Lab at Dartmouth College is an innovative startup like experiential learning program where students work in teams of designers and developers to build technology tools to help our partners change behavior, enhance understanding, and even create delight. 48
Social Sector Stories A resource for employers, employees, and potential employees of the nonprofit, public, and philanthropic sectors. 48
365 Days of Poetry by Gosia Rokicka A poem a day for a year by @gosiawrites. 48
TaraElla Report: Classical Liberalism and Moral Libertarianism The modern West was founded on classical liberalism. While we should respect other cultures, here in the West we should be unapologetic in standing for our classical liberal values. We make a case for why these values are still best for the West. 48
Roberto Huertas Rust, TypeScript, Flutter and others 48
hecua_offcampus Writing from students enrolled in HECUA's semester-long, social-justice-focused programs for undergraduates. 48
risan A journal of a passionate coder 48
Honestly, Cheney The Place for Stories by Cheney Meaghan 48
Grafiti Grafiti is the first search engine for graphs & charts. 48
DSC Manipal DSC Manipal strives to be the single focal point of overall development and growth of student community with interests in areas of data analytics, machine learning, and big data. 48
Constellation AI We’re building an AI that’s good for people, by making machines fluent in human. 48
Mavericks Thoughts Lifestyle, travel, productivity and more 48
Security Token Hong Kong Hong Kong startups evangelists seek to introduce crypto enthusiasts, finance professionals, and founders to the most innovative blockchain applications that will transform the startup ecosystem and future entrepreneurship. 48