All Publications
Name Followers
QubitCo Tutorials and explanations about qubits, quantum computing, quantum mechanics, coding with Qiskit, and more 45
Zeotap — Customer Intelligence Unleashed Zeotap is a Customer Intelligence Platform (CIP) that helps companies better understand their customers and predict behaviors, to invest in more meaningful experiences. 45
The Android Cafe Android articles for latest releases and advanced topics. 45
ClearPurpose Through ClearPurpose, we share our experience, tools, and methodologies to approach strategy development with discipline and structure, making it easier to achieve clarity, gain consensus, and communicate coherently. Note: As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. 45
Inspirational Humans Humans who’ve inspired us 45
Chapters & Interludes Making better leaders by reflecting on past real world successes and failures, answering all of your leadership & strategy questions for life & business. 45
XING Product Stories about product management at XING 45
Aerate Inspirations, reflections, unexpected angles, and some (hopefully) useful tips about the daily presence of growing, gardening, and nurturing in our lives 45
IT Paragon IT Directorate of PT Paragon Technology and Innovation 45
Bobble Engineering Tech blog @Bobble 45
tech.revelo Os desafios e aprendizados do time de tech da Revelo. 45
Chompsky Quick updates and meticulous long reads about media, politics, culture, and society. 45
Women Who Code Data Science WWCode Data Science Community is a free and fully remote community to build diverse AI/ML/Data Science Leaders by diverse experts and leaders. 🌏 We offer a variety of webinars that allow you to explore and investigate from the comfort of your own home. 45
Natural Intelligence The home for anything Natural Intelligence. From business talks to culture, employees’ spotlights to event highlights. This is Natural Intelligence. 45
Ntropy Enabling datasets to communicate across silos 45