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Genesis Media #1 in emerging countries 37
DronaMaps Drones| Mapping| Impact 37
Minnimal Film independence celebrated 37
P for Parenting Thoughts, stories and rants on raising better parents and parenting better kids 37
It’s Never Too Late Round Europe in a Beetle 37
The Spice Rack The newest and neatest in technology, design, and creative marketing, brought to you by the agency that lives at the (very exciting) intersection of it all. 37
Software’s Giant Leap The story of how the Apollo missions changed software 37
Under Armour Makers Behind the design and engineering of the world's largest health and fitness community. 37
ASEFEdu (Blog) Exchanging Educational Perspectives from Asia and Europe - One Blog Post at a Time. Topics: #Access2Education #ASEM #EducationPolicy #EduTech #EthicalLeadership #Experiential #Learning #YoungDiplomats #Youth&SDGs #YouthExchanges #Teachers 37
Homullus I explain how i did stuff, and you (hopefully) give me your input. Expect mostly code, design and travel. 37
TheOtherDev/s Hey you! Yes, you! I know you’ve stumbled upon our blog while searching for more kittens videos. Well, you’re entering our world dude, so listen up! Trust us, it’ll be worth it. 37
The Spax Reimagining Sports Analysis 37
Rêve Speak your truth. Live the Rêvolution. 37
Map for Robots A platform for HD maps and automatic generation of HD maps from video 37
Ecofrugality Conserve resources, redistribute wealth, live happily 37