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Productive People Stories reviewing new features of productivity applicaitons, introductions to new application stacks, and general banter about what tools are the best for the job! 33
Informatics Share facts, opinions, experiences, and ideas related to informatics. 33
The C2 Group Enterprise Design + Technology 33
Infermedica Stories about AI-driven healthcare. 33
It Can’t Be True! (And Most Of It Isn’t) It Can’t Be True! (And Most Of It Isn’t) Is my new Medium publication reporting on the latest alternative lifestyle news and advice from unbelievable fake experts. 33
whatsthepoint Perspectives on the purposes of Indian education 33
Pitchspot Pitchspot is an open-access innovation platform for innovators to discover, share, and build validated ideas using widely recognised frameworks such as the Business Model Canvas. 33
The Daily Insight A community of writers discussing new ideas every day. Keep up with them all here. 33
SquaredAway Military Spouse Chief Executive Assistants For Your Team. 33
Anchorless Bangladesh Anchorless Bangladesh is an early stage venture fund focused on Bangladesh and its startup ecosystem. 33
Statista Charts We tell up-to-date, relevant stories with data 33
KisanHub News, opinions and thoughts on agri-tech and supply chain intelligence from the KisanHub team 33
Beyond Voting Beyond voting is about fixing the system and finding new standards for a 21st century democracy. 33
Contemplations of Life We talk about life, positivity, happiness and personal growth and development. Ways to achieve your goals and face your struggles and fears. We aim to promote how to live a positive, happy, healthy life. 33
Courage Dear Heart Stories of love, loss, growth, pain, relationships, and thriving after trauma 33